Friday, 2 January 2015

Day 2.. January 30 Day Challenge

Hello there!!

So its day 2! How is 2015 for you??

Todays topic is...

"Something you feel strongly about.."

To be honest, this post maybe a little heavy for some people and others I hope it might help.
I want to talk about Mental Health.
Something I feel is a bit of a taboo in alot of people and communities.
I am a firm believer in speaking about mental health and how it affects people in so many different ways. Whether it is Anxiety, Depression, Stress or Social Isolation, everyone can suffer from a mild to severe versions of mental health. 
I think it is so important from a young age to address it and how to learn to live and control it, from a early age as 10+, as mental health is affecting people from as early as 11 and 12 these days. Which is unfortunate but true. 
Whats the difference about treating diabetes or asthma. When we get these conditions, we are told to take insulin or an inhaler to control them. These affect our organs on our lower body, so why not treat mental health the same way. Find the trigger and learn ways to control it. 
I suffer with asthma and when I have a cough, or an attack i take my inhaler. When I have an anxiety or stress attack I have learnt, to take 30mins to breath and relax. Whether it is going into your room, closing your eyes and concentrating on your breathing or switching on some music or making a list of what is bothering you . You need to find ways that suit yourself. 

Anyone can get a mental health problem whether its from finances, jobs, social societies, pressure on yourself and others, bullying or how you look or feel.
So many young people suffer under the influences of Facebook and social media. Targeted because of who they are, what they do or havent done. Way to much pressure is put on kids. 
Ideally I feel councilling should be compulsory to all students from 1st year to leaving cert.
I feel a class dedicated to mental health and how to deal with it would be ideal way to educate us more. Even creating a class box where every student a month writes what is bothering them and tackling them in an anon class. Also a parent night where issues where disscussed and what problems the kids had and how to approach it at home. Children have a small voice and need to feel safe and happy. This might be a way to combate things without peoples identiy being targeted.

If you are 10 or 100 we all need ways to help combate and control the attacks and how we feel. 
Here are just some tips, if you feel down, upset, feel an attack is setting on or just need a little help coping with an issue...

1. Take a deep breath and take a step back and observe your suitation.

2. Take a walk. A clear head can help deal with all challenges and releases indorfans 

3. Get a good morning and night routine. Your body clock is important.

4. Do something you love. Whether it is reading, running, listening to music, this will distract you and make your problem when revisited seem less big.

5. Write things down. I find writing what bothers me or on my mind, takes a load off. Start a diary on when you feel crappy and then another entry when it was resolved or you felt better, this will give you hope for each problem that comes up that it will be resolved.

6. Listen to your breathing. Place one hand on your chest and feel your chest going up and down and take deep slow breaths so slow your heart and breathing down. 

7. Speak to a friend or family member. I problem shared is better than bottling it up

8. See people. Anyone can isolate themselves from friends and family as it is easier than to face them and problems that lie ahead, but worse problems develop, as you over think, create scenarios, and you then fear the world. 

9. Create a mood/quote board. Things you want, things that inspire you, quotes that mean alot to you. These will give you something to get up for and also have a goal to work towards. 

10. Create a playlist: It is hard if you are at someones house or on a bus and you get an attack. Find songs that relax you, that make you happy. When you are around people in public, put you headphones on and concentrate on them words and breath. Untill you can get off a bus or leave a place, this might just help.

I know alot of people that think mental health, is laziness, you bring it upon yourself, your weak, you have no life, to much time on your hands. I can tell you it is more common everyday, every second. No matter how mild or severe it is, it is there. Like a shadow that follows you day in and day out, it all depends on how we deal with it and control it. We all have a brain, we all think, we all have problems but we have to find a control and a way of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Just because one thing doesnt work for you and does for someone else does not mean there is no way out of your situation. It just means you  have to find your way of dealing with things and seeing things in a different light that suits you. 
I have anxiety time to time and it all depends on how you push yourself and control yourself. There are days you will want to stay in bed as it is so much easier than facing YOURSELF in the mirror and seeing YOU. But if you can get out, and go for a walk or do something that puts a smile on yourself, then your shadow will feel less heavy to carry. 
Life is about challenges and how we meet them. We can overcome anything in time, but that is what you need patience for time to pass and wounds and fears to heal. It isnt easy for everyone, but ENJOY the good times and forget the past and the bad times, because the past is gone and the future is to be lived for. 

I am not a professional, but just someone who has views, opinions and knows to a certain extent of what your brain can do without you looking for it. 
If you feel suicidal, like life is too much, please visit a professional or GP, unfortunately our health service is slow at times, but wait it out until you get seen. Nothing is worse than a loss and suicide is not a quick fix it is for life, which affects not just you but everyone else. Sometimes we all need help and it is so important to except it, as it may lead you into better things ahead. 
I dont want to preach to anyone, but we are seeing so many young people die because they have no idea on how to get thoughts, fears and problems out of their heads and how to control things that happen. I feel like we all need way more education and less of a taboo towards mental health. 

I hope this post was worth something to you or helped you in some way. 
please get help if you feel way out of your depth!!

If you have any opinions Comment Below.

You can also get to me on

Email: nataliekeanemua



Instagram: nataliekeanemua

Until tomorrow DAY 3


Natalie xx

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