Saturday, 3 January 2015

Day 3 of a 30 Day Challenge.


So it has come to Day 3! The Christmas detox has set in to most of us now. :)

Today is going to be about...

A book I love...

I am not much of a reading, regarding books in fiction, I like to do books, blogging, self help, beauty books, ones you don`t need to put a bookmark to. 
I have choosen a book, I have found really good and uplifting and anyone I have lent it to, they have found it so helpful aswell. 

The book is the well known The Secret by Rhona Byrne

image from google search

Whether it is money, self confidence or weight issues you have with yourself, this book will give you condifence and some help to get back to your positive self. I am all about positivity, but it is so easy to get into a negative mode. It is a book you can pick up and leave and still feel like you have gotten something from it. I really recommend it this to add to your bookshelf.

Here is Day 1 and Day 2.

Let me know if have read this book and your thoughts, Comment Below.

Heres where else you can find me...


Facebook: Natalie Keane MUA

Twitter: @Natke05

Instagram: nataliekeanemua

Until tomorrow!!


Natalie xx


  1. Love this book. Read it a while back and go back to it every so often! A good one to have in the collection!!👌

    1. Hi Margaret.
      I love the secret and i always go back to it. Looking to get the power next,
