Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Summer Bucket List - Week 3, Summer Blogger Challenge.

Hello Ladies,

Another week, another challenge, set by Amy . This week its out "Summer Bucket List".
This can be interpreted in so many different ways, so instead of keeping it very Beauty/Makeup related, it will vary!

I have so many things I want or want to do and a Bucket list is something that will keep you focused and to work hard towards it. 


1. Get healthy, fitter and lose weight! - This is a goal of mine since last year, but I have let everyday life take over completing this goal. I am still a long way from where I need to be, but I aim to be healthier and fitter than before the summer.

2. Expand my services- As a newly qualified makeup artist, work is hard to find on an everyday baisis, so I want to do a tanning and nail course, just to have as an extra. 

3. Build a client list- Again makeup related but important for me to have. 

4. Visit 2 new places in Ireland- I hate flying and money has stopped us going away this year, so I want to go to 2 places in Ireland I have never been and experience new food and environments. 

5. Create a Portfolio- I want a portfolio to show skills that I have and show how I progress. 

6. Be more outgoing- Not letting everyday worries effect me and live life!

7. Invest in new makeup and brushes- I want to get some new products to add to my kit.

8. A house- I want to have my own space with my boyfriend and call is home!

9. Get a dog- I really , REALLY, want a Bernese mountain dog! They are like a big teddy!

10. Experiment with my style- I want to try a new hairstyle and mix up my clothes, find new things I would never try!

11. Cook more!- I love to cook, but I keep it safe. I want to try new recipes and learn how to cook for 1 and cook for 10. Also want to learn some family recipes and have a good knowledge of foods.

12. Know more- I want to absorb and learn new things. I have a passion in makeup and beauty but also an interest in art, mental health and nutrition and fitness. So to learn more about these things, would be great. 

I hope my bucket list did not bore you! They are quiet personal and things I want to do THIS SUMMER! I have a LIFE bucket list and if you want a sneak peak at that, please let me know.

Any other posts/request, let me know!

Where can you find me?

Email: nataliekeanemua@gmail.com
Instagram: nataliekeanemua
or Comment Below!

Until Thursday Ladies!

Natalie xx


  1. love this blog post... i really want to loose more weight and just get a bit more toned and feel healthier so im with you on that one.

    thank you so much for getting involved :) please check out mine too...

    amy x

    1. Hi Amy,
      Thanks so much for your comment and for asking me to take part. I really enjoy this challenge! Would love if you followed my blog!
      I checked out your blog and bucket list, i left a comment on your blog. Really enjoyed reading it.:D <3 x

  2. Brilliant post lovely! Loving your bucket list - I'm totally with you on #1! :)

    Lauren x


    1. Lauren, thank so much for having a look at my blog.! would love it you followed me! I had a look at your blog and loved it! <3 and have followed you! Great bucket list! x
