Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Day 7....30 Day Challenge

Hello Girlies..:)

Heres to Day 7! Looks like Christmas is over..:( 
My tree is down and decor is down.. its a sad time..
Another 11 months to go!!!

Day 7 is...

" Five pet peeves"...

1. Dirty Mirrors..

I clean mine everyday. Between water splashes, toothpaste marks and breathe marks I hate looking at a stained mirror. 


I really HATE the sound of cutlery banging. I get goosebumps and get a taste of metal in my mouth. I have hated it from a young age. 

3. Leaving clothes around the house..

I hate when you make the effort to fold clothes and wash them and then 1 hour later, socks and hoodies are thrown on the floor or over chairs. Does get on my nerves.

4. When a fire wont light..

Maybe this is not a real pet peeve, but as we speak I have tried lighting the fire 3 times and wont take. Fingers crossed round 4 will take! Need Heart.:P

5. Brows!

I find it hard to look at ladies who overdraw or completely stencil their brows. I just find it unnatural and do not frame a face. 

These might seem silly, but are my pet peeves. 
I would like to know yours.

Where else can you find me?


Facebook: Natalie Keane MUA

Twitter: @Natke05

Instagram: nataliekeanemua

Here is Day 6 & Day 5

Until tomorrow..


Natalie xx


  1. I agree with you about the brows, I don't know why people see overdrawn brows as good but I guilty of 1 and 3 as I hate tidying up so rarely clean my mirror and I leave clothes EVERYWHERE! I sound like a complete and utter slob right now... x

    1. Not at all. I sound a bit of clean freak and to be honest I am not. As long as not on floor I do not see them, but if you open my wardrobe a waterfall would happen. ha! Overdrawn brows just look like a bad barbie doll.:) lol xx
