Monday, 30 March 2015

Whats going on?..With Anxiety?

Hello Dolls,

I was debating weather to post this, and in my heart I feel like its important and in my head I was like, what will people think (hello to anxiety). 
Alot of people consider anxiety with depression, and really that is not the case. You can suffer from a mild to severe case of anxiety from any age and any way of life. I always say never judge a book by its cover, you may think that person has a wonderful life, is happy go lucky, but we will never know what anyone else is thinking or feeling. So being sensitive and educating ourselves when someone comes to you and says I don`t feel well, I don`t feel like me? Don`t be like what I have experienced from 20% of people "Ara cop on", "pull yourself together", "get a life", " how would you be anxious?" That will make that person, crawl into themselves, never speak again or will make themselves believe that there is something wrong with them. Like Asthma for example, we may be born with it, or harbour it until it rises its head as we get older, but it is something that we are born with. 
People ask me what does it feel like? For me I feel like I am trapped, the walls are getting closer, I get what I call "Tunnel vision", alot of things can seem a blurr, you lose focus on alot of things, you have this urge to cry alot, have a anger or frustration that makes you want to scream, like you cannot escape or that there is a pressure sitting on your head and chest. I end up thinking Negative thoughts, like I can`t do that, or I look terrible. Simple things like if a person laughs or looks my way odd, I think what is wrong with me. You doubt yourself and self believe. Luckily for me, these thoughts where more and alot when I was alot heavier in weight and now that I am getting and seeing the results from losing that weight,  I feel more confident and don`t notice if I get a stare. 
More for me now, is not being in control of situations, which I have always had and also since paying bills etc, all the joys of being an adult, these can spark my anxiety, having enough money and not to struggle. The simple life, ehh?! Is it ever.! 

Quote on mental health stigma: I fight for my health every day in ways most people don't understand. I'm not lazy. I'm a warrior.

What I mean about being in control, example are people doing things for me, seeing the dentist or what I have been suffering with since I was small, is dieing! That one thought does get worse when I worry alot or spend to much time thinking in the negitive. It is a crazy panic attack that does scare me and something I have had since I was young, but never understood. And that is something that alot of people do not understand. We need to know how to read our own bodies, including our mental health. Creating that talking point where its okay to feel down and sad, when you feel like the world is falling in on you. But not to let it linger, taking action to fix and sort it that will suit you. 

Anything can make anxiety happen. New experiences, new people,close spaces, bad events, a crowd, situations out of your control, general domestic worries the list is endless and unique to all sufferers. Each person has there own triggers. 

What do I do to make myself calm and to relax?

-Talking! I find chatting to a friend/family, a GP or professional councilor does help let out them negative thoughts and gain tools to combat any panic or negative thoughts.After all "a problem shared". John (my boyfriend) is a great support to me and always knows how to relax me when I am anxious. Planning trips, meals, dates, or just sticking on a comedy. Its the little things. 

- Music! Creating that playlist that makes you feel powerful and positive. I love Kelly Clarkson for days I need a little bit of girl power feeling. And dance songs when I need to just dance it out. Create songs that make you smile and take you back to great memories and times. 

Quotes! Surrounding yourself in positive or funny quotes, so when your feel down or panicked that you are surrounded in good vibes and not negative vibes. 

-Distraction! For me this is Candy Crush, as it really gets my head thinking and is a welcome distraction. I concentrate on it and not whats going on around me or what I am thinking. Great for on the go.

-Exercise! I love to just walk, even when I don`t feel like it. Because I know it will make a difference. Not only are you working them muscles but you are releasing good hormones that make you happy and I always feel refreshed and relaxed. Late evening walks, a shower and a cup of chamomile and I am out for the count, great way of tiring yourself out to just get that good night sleep. 

-Meditation! Taking that 10mins or an hour, to breathe. Going to a room that is not cluttered from all the day to day stresses, closing your eyes and breathing and listening to soothing sounds, like rain or the ocean. Doing this will refresh you and also give you a clear mind. You can sit on the floor,or lye on the bed, your choice.

-Pamper! Set up an area where you can give yourself a full pamper session, pedi and manis, facial or face mask, a relaxing bath or shower , feet up with that girly dvd and pjs. Perfect to take time for YOU! Time to make yourself feel special and you will feel it from the inside out. 

Quote on mental health: Do not confuse my bad days as a sign of weakness, those are actually the days I am fighting my hardest.

This post is to tell any of you that you are not alone, or weird or odd or crazy. It is just you. I watched Grace from FacesbyGrace23`s Youtube video on anxiety and something that really stood out to me is, that we just have to tell ourselves its okay to be this way, it is who we are and that it will be something that we will live with. 
I think though it is so important to get young people talking and educate them on techniques and how to get them to express their feelings and thoughts, no matter who or what it is. Education is key. We have physical education in schools, why not mental education also. 
We are battling ongoing obesity in Ireland, but Depression, Anxiety, Panic attacks and unfortunately Suicide are on the rise also. I think it is as important as our food problems. Young people dont`t have to tools, if they cannot get to a Gp or have no body to talk to, to deal with what they feel and think, so drinking, drugs and ending their lives, seems like their only way out. But if we talk more and make it more normal, it will make things and situations so much more positive. 

If you feel lonely, feel like your feelings and thoughts are confusing to you or unbearable. Go and seek help! A friend, teacher, GP. Because it is more common in people than you think. 
Place positive quotes around your room or house, funny quotes etc to make you smile when you feel down. Carry a game or create a playlist so if you are out and feel anxious that you can still combat your symptoms and relax. 

Positive Quote: When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting and less sacry.

I hope this post has helped someone out there or any of you that feel anxious. 
Gaining a community of help and support is so important. So spread the word!

Where can I be found?


Facebook:  Natalie Keane MUA

Twitter: @Natke05

Instagram: nataliekeanemua

Til next time

Images are from Pintrest!

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