Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Review: * Water Wipes Facial Wipes*

Hello Dolls,

I was recently sent Water Wipes, from a PR company , to try out. I thought, I would share my honest thoughts and feedback on this product.

The Water Wipes I received where facial wipes. I had heard alot and seen alot over the internet and from friends who have children, that they love Water Wipes for their kids. Usually, I would not give "Facial Wipes" a look in, but as I have heard great things from the brand from mums, I thought I would review it and trial it for a few weeks. 

So whats its background?..

Water wipes state that they are sensitive and natural face wipes. They work without drying your skin and can be used daily as a cleanser, with a guilt free feeling!

100% natural ingredients,
99.9% Ultra-purified water
0.1% Citrus Grapefruit Seed Extract-Citrus Grandis
Rich source of nutrients

Citrus Grandis peel has an enzyme called bromelain, which speeds up digestion of proteins, helps cleanse the skin and remove dead skin. It helps fight acne- clearing oil from skin balance pH.
Chinese grapefruit contains keretain that is proteing building.
Pummelo peel softens the skin.
Dead Sea Minerals act as a natural skin moisturiser and is suitable for sensitive skins.

It is free from Alcohol, Fragrance, Lanolin, Perfume, Colour, Oils etc..
It is Hypoallergenic and Dermatologically tested. 

You can get Water Wipes from Dunnes Stores, Boots, Tescos and other pharmacies for €3.45.

So what are my thoughts??...

As a makeup artist I am set in my ways on what I think about face wipes. I would rather deep clean my skin. But if you work in theatre, need quick fix etc, sometimes you need a face wipe. I always have a pack when I need to clean up a mistake in makeup or take swatches off my hand.  So being sent Water Wipes, I thought okay, I am going to try these out.
The packaging was no different to any other wipes I have come across. The material is much thicker than normal wipes and does not feel as nasty or cheap like other wipes I have used, You can defiantly tell there are no lanolin in the wipes. There is no scent and it is, excuse the obvious, feels wet and moist. 
I did use these on my face, for a few nights and I did find they took most of my makeup off, but I still felt like my skin wasnt 100% clean. Your skin is so important and is the base for perfect and flawless makeup. As a quick fresh for the skin during the day , like after the gym, a run, or when you are in theatre and need to take the makeup fast without water, I feel they are ideal. My skin wasnt dry or tight after them and I did find my skin moist. But using it as a daily cleanser I do not feel is ideal. I really think, no matter what skin type you are you need to follow the right steps and routines to keep it in good condition and wipes are not it. 
However, I am not saying these are not a good product, anything that is good on childrens skin it usually ideal and friendly for ours, but I would in the future keep these for after a gym session/workout or cleaning up undereye mistakes when doing that smokey eye. 
Maybe that is the makeup artist in me, but I do not hate these , but are not one that would be on my radar or a must have in my eyes in regarding skin care.

Disclaimer: I aim to give 100% on my reviews by products sent to me. So this is my 100% thoughts on this products. 

Do you use face wipes? or Water Wipes? 

Let me know your thoughts?

Where I can be found?

Email: nataliekeanemua@gmail.com

Facebook: Natalie Keane MUA

Twitter: @Natke05

Instagram: nataliekeanemua

Until next time...

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