Hello there Dolls..:)
I am so struggling these days with post titles? Going blank these days! ha!
Anyways, back to the topic in hand...
I have been doing a routine the last 2 weeks and I thought while I have committed to it and am liking it, I thought I may share it with you.
If like me you want to get a personal trainer or hit the gym and classes, but either live outside a bus route, can`t drive, work late, have no money, are a mum etc, then this may help get you motivated to start and do more in the later months, but will kick start you now!
This is not a long term routine and after 6 weeks I will be changing it again and pushing myself more and more. To me I can walk to my lifes content, but its doing nothing for me in the long run. A mix up will get your body working. If you are not strict on yourself and cannot push yourself to its limit then maybe grabbing a friend or family member to do these with you, you can encourage eachother. But don`t burn yourselves out.
I know I have certain areas I really need to work on, I carry alot of my weight on my lower half of my body, so Love handels, Bums and Lower Tum! I also have to work on my arms (I hate them). So for me any difference in them will make me happy.
In the last 2 months, I have lost 2 stone and that has been all down to my diet. I really feel Healthy starts in the kitchen. It is okay to push yourself with this routine or in a gym, but if you have not given thought to what you eat you will fall. So if you eat a chipper or heavy sauced, deep fried quick food things will not go anywhere,
70% Diet, 30% Exercise
image pintrest
So before I tell you what I do at home, regarding exercise, here is what I had added to my diet and what I have taken away!
What I have cut out...
White Bread
White, Pasta
White Rice
Frozen Foods (like pizza, chips etc)
Heavy jarred sauces (Like currys, Kormas etc)
Cous Cous
Sweets (Chocolate bars, Crisps, Ice Cream, Cakes, Biscuits)
Fizzy Drinks
Take Aways
Caffeine (Coffee, Tea)
Oil (Vegetable Oils for stir fry/frying)
What I have added...
Coconut Oil
More Veg
Lettuce beds instead of beds of carbs
Green Tea
Chamomile Tea
Meats like chicken and fish
Soy sauce
Gluten free 101 kal popcorn
That is just an idea of what I have taken away and added. I will admit once a month I do have a takeaway and fizzy drink. It is important if you can to have a cheat meal or treat yourself. But once you do, make sure you get back on it next day. I know myself once I eat it my body is not happy with me. Was it worth it? At the time it was and it cant be always work and no play! But you will find once you have healthy alternatives that a cheat meal might lessen and lessen.
If you want to see a post on dinners I make myself then, I will do that.:)
So for the home work I do, I have divided into 4 days.
DAY 1:
Walk/Jog 20-30 mins
DAY 2:
10 sets of 5.
Bike Crunches
Reverse Crunch
Lying Leg Raise
Sit Ups
30 Sec Plank
30 Sec L/R Side Plank
Russian Twists
Top Taps
DAY 3:
Upper Body
10 sets of 5.
Chair Dips
Jump Jacks
Front Raises (2litre bottle)
Monkey Extensions (2litre bottle)
Side Raises (2litre bottle)
Tri Raise (2litre bottle)
Front/Back circles
DAY 4:
Lower Body
10 sets of 5.
Tension Squats
Jump Jacks
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Donkey Kicks
Hip Extensions
Hip Thrust
Rest DAY 5 and REPEAT!
I also do a warm up for 2 mins by marching in place and jog intervals and stretch my muscles.
I want to stress, I am not a professional trainer or dietitian or work in health and fitness. It is something I have personally found diet wise that works for me and I have listened to what my body is telling me, as for my workout, I have researched it and it is not something that will give you hard core results either. I have alot of work to do and will be changing it up, but until then it is something that will kick start me and keep me motivated and wanting more.
If anyone has any other suggestions or advice on what I am doing, I would love to hear it, also any questions on meals, playlists, the workouts etc let me know,
Please let me know what you thought!
Where I can be found...
Email: nataliekeanemua@gmail.com
Instagram: nataliekeanemua
Snapchat: nataliekeanemua
Until next time..
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