Tuesday, 12 August 2014

My Top 5 Lashes

Hi Ladies,

Most of us have a drawer FULL of Fake Lashes! More then we care to admit. 

They are such a statement piece when doing your makeup for a night out or for an event. 

Whether its a strip lash or individual, we all have tested the waters with them. 

But they are not the easiest to put on! (if you want a HOW TO on applying them, let me know)

But as a makeup artist I try and but different brands and styles to suit every one. 

So here are my favourite brands of lashes, so if you are looking for a new pair, scroll down!

5. Red Cherry Lashes (got on ebay or most false lash sites) £2.99
google search image

My favourite lashes from this brand are:

- WSP (Wispy)
- #523
- DW (Demi Wispy)

4. Primark/Pennys Lashes €1.50
image google search

I like Sultry lashes, Very Fluttering and Double Trouble from these.

3. Kiss Lashes €3-€3.50
image google search

I like:

Paparazzi 01 &02
Juicy Volume 01
Diva 01 &02
Au Natural 

2. Eylure  Lashes €6.49
image google search

Ones I like are:

Super full
Evening wear
Party Perfect

1. MAC False Lashes €13.50
image google search

MAC lashes I like are:


They are my favorite lashes and ones I would always go back to. 
If you have a question or have a recommendation, get in touch!

Heres where you can find me:

Email: nataliekeanemua@gmail.com

Facebook: Natalie Keane MUA

Twitter: @Natke05

Instagram: nataliekeanemua

Till next time:


Natalie x


  1. i love eyelure lashes! ive never sued mac lashes but I've heard great things about them :) id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/08/fitwear-fashion-with-south-beach-and.html#more xx

  2. Hi Amy,
    Thanks for the comment.
    I have used MAC a few times and are my favorite. I use them for special occasions either on me or clients. Easy to put on and are natural feeling.
    Natalie Keane MUA
