Tuesday, 24 June 2014

FIT FOR SUMMER! - Week 4, Summer Blogger Challenge

Morning Girls!


So again another Tuesday of "Summer Blogger Challenge", set by the wonderful Amy. Week 4 is as you see by the title "Fit for Summer"!!

In my previous post Week 3 Summer Bucket List and in alot of fellow bloggers, they mentioned they wanted to get fitter and maybe lose a few pounds, get healthier, toner and get a bikini body. 
For me it has been a goal since Christmas, and it is not an easy task, especially in this era, where there are so many temptations! 
Between Chocolate, Pizza, Chips, Pasta, Wine, Cheese, Sweets , there is so many things that we eat waaayyyy to often and should be kept as a treat or for special occasions. 

Since I have started this journey, I have been really interested in the knowledge and what is good and bad for your body. I am not saying it has all worked, but to be honest I am still finding my way. 
I love food, always have. I would rather go for a meal with my boyfriend and have a few glasses of wine and head home, then go to a nightclub and get drunk on a weekend! My boyfriend is a huge "CHOCOHOLIC" and me I love Savoury! I am a Starter and Main Course kinda girl, where he is a Main and Dessert man! Crazy but true. Also as my name means "christmas" in Italian, I honestly believe I am some fraction Italian, I love Italian food, soo much.....Not good when losing the pounds! (p.s I am 100% Irish)

Enough RAMBLING!!! lol,

How did I get started? I hope, may help you, in some way.

I looked at a photo last year that sacred me! The REAL reality of how much weight I gained is unreal! I cried and cried and then kicked my self in the a**  and said one Monday morning, it starts here, a new ME! 
I first got onto Pintrest and and set up an Inspiration board, things I wanted to gain as I got fitter. So I posted Food, Body Inspirations, Exercises, Clothes and Quotes that would motivate me. 
Heres my Pintrest Board: Fitness Inspiration (Follow me) 

The next thing I did was research blogs and REAL people that are helping people lose the weight or are on the same journey for there own reasons. I have been loving and following Miss Joanne Larby, an Irish Makeup Artist, Plus Size Model, Blogger and all round lovely lady she is also known as the the MAKEUP FAIRY, on her blog she has a Fairy Fitness series and they have been a great motivator for me. 
Another person is Pat Divilly, a personal trainer who is inspired by the Paleo Diet and gaining strength. He has a book out, which I own and is full of great tips and foods to help you get to where you want to go and exercises that have pictures and have detailed instructions.He has also an online client list, a 2 month blueprint to help you lose weight, A personal trainer online! More details on his facebook, have a look!
I love following REAL people rather then Celebs and what they use, as 9/10 times the truth is twisted in some way.  Even though we still envy their bodys, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, Kate Upton, some I have craved to look like!

I have also begun to buy and cook better foods, cut out carbs 5 out the 7 days (white bread, white pasta, white rice etc), eat more veggies, especially greens, proteins and cutting out sugar in alot my foods. I have not had any Diet Coke in 8months! :) I have taken up Chamomile Tea, Green Tea and more Water. I would also keep a food diary,as you will be so surprised on what you actually eat in the day. Also track your mood, that can trigger your eating and you can see how and what can cause that overeating! Alot people count calories, for me to make it simple and that I have a limit, I go by the OLD Weight Watchers Points, I dont do the classes or follow is to a "T" but just as a guideline. 

Heres a example on what I would eat during the week. If you want a more detailed Diary, let me know.

The next decision I made was to work out! Not something I had done in ages. I used to play football, camogie (irish sport), handball, do Irish dancing and run. 
But once I got older and had to work, I had to give them up, thats when I gained the pounds. 
So now, I have been walking every morning 15-30mins briskly, do 20 leg presses and 20 arm presses. I try and do 50 squats 5 days a week, run 2o times up and down the stairs and stick the ipod in and do my own "THANG"! (It really makes ya sweat!) All these things have helped, but I am going to join the gym in the coming weeks and see what I can do there to better myself and advance my workout. 

Another thing that motivated me is getting some house equipment, a skipping rope, weights etc and some work out gear, I love Pennys, aka Primark! This will make you want to workout. They have some really colourful and some great easy equipment to start out with. 

So here are my beginner tips:

1. Weigh yourself and measure yourself to get a idea what weight you want to be
2. Look at what you are eating and cut down on the sugar.
3. Keep a food Diary
4. See your GP so that losing the weight is safe and get some tips.
5. Decide on some exercises and what you want to work on.
6. Create an inspiration board
7. Research new recipes to keep things fun and fresh.
8. Get some easy work out equipment for home
9. Look at some REAL people and follow their progress
10. Create a fun playlist to workout/dance to. 
11. Just weigh yourself every 2nd week or once a month, DON`T GET OBSESSED WITH NUMBERS! 
12. Every little pound adds to your goal, so be proud! 
13. Its OKAY! to have a CHEAT DAY & ENJOY IT!

I hope this may help your to get FIT FOR SUMMER and that what I am doing might give you some tips. I am not anyway a professional, only intrested in food and what it does and how our body works. :) (GEEK)lol!
I know it may have seemed rambly, but I wanted it to be more chatty and personal and not a HOW TO! This is what I am doing, kinda a diary form of thing. A letter to you all ,that are wanting and are in the middle of a journey. I am no expert and am still looking at new healthy options in getting fitter. I dont believe in diets as they are more damaging. I want a new lifestyle and feel good about myself. It is a physical change but also a mental and confidence and health change. Let me know what you thought and if you want an update and more in depth post on my journey, if it interests you. 

If you have any further suggestions for posts or series you would like to see contact me. How did you like this post?, please let me know.:)

Where can you find me?????

Email: nataliekeanemua@gmail.com

or Comment Below!

Till Positive Thursday!

Natalie x

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