Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Why is my skin acting up? The Factors!

Hiya Ladies,

There are times where you look in the mirror and think, where did that spot come out of?, why is my skin so dull?, how do I have all the lines?
We all think its just our body making these on there own, but may its not! Maybe its something you are doing or not doing to prevent these happening. 

There are so many FACTORS that makes our body react and do these things. 

11 FACTORS that can be problems for your skin!!!

1. Smoking: Smoking can cause your skin to break out, create lines and become dull and grey looking. 

2. Work Environment: If you are inside all the time, in an air conditioned room or work in an environment that is like that. This will dry out your skin, causing dry patches. So drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and having a good moisturiser is a good idea. You can also get discharged water to spray on your face during the day to liven up your skin. 

3. Lifestyle/Hobbies: If you are an outdoorsy person or your work involves you to be outside then this can affect your skin. Going from different environments, hot to cold can dry out your skin and cause broken skin. An Spf is very important if you are outside alot. No matter if it is sunny or not, you can still get sun damage. 

4. Diet: Breakouts/Blemishes can arise if you are eating food that is unhealthy. Too much junk food, fizzy drinks, takeaways will cause you skin to react and try and get rid of all the toxins that are bad for you through your skin. 

5. Stress Levels: Weather its money trouble, relationships, school, friends, family, work or exams, we have all had stress overcome us. When stressed and looking in the mirror to breakouts, can make you feel worse, so we need to learn to relax and find a stress reliever. Think about going for a walk, yoga, mediation and light exercise. 

6.Sun/Weather:  If in Ireland we get a summer, we will be all out in it. Or weather you are going away for some sun, we all need protection. If you dont you will have broken capillaries, freckles and dry skin. You will need to use a good and high SPF. 

7. Skin Routine: If you are using for example skin care for dry skin and you have oil skin, this can upset your skin. Some people think all skin care is the same, it really isnt. For example if you have dry/sensitive skin you will not want anything with alcohol or perfume products, so this will make your skin worse. Heres a post on Normal Skin , Oily Skin and Dry Skin.

8. Skin Concerns:  If you have broken capillaries, discoloration, puffy eyes, its a good idea to get some advice on what products may help reduce these problems or help prevent any more irritation. 

9. Medication:  If you have been prescribed medication that you need to take ongoing or temporary, this can cause breakouts. DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR MEDICATION. If you have concerns discuss with your Doctor and keep drinking as much water as you can, water will flush them extra toxins and out and help keep the breakouts at bay. 

10. Hormones: If you are just hitting puberty, have that "TIME OF THE MONTH", are pregnant or have hit menopause, then hormones will come into it. They will cause them breakouts, usually on the T Zone, they will not last long, as it will be for that short time, but keeping up with your skin routine, drinking plenty of water and not eating junk food will help, reduce the breakouts. 

11. Age: Age is a natural process, we have no control over that. But if you have a good skin rountine, are healthy and do not smoke and drink (in moderation), your skin will stay looking good for longer. For extra skin products I have done a post on your 20s & 30s , 40s50s and 60s.

If you have any questions on this post , please let me know.

Any requests on future posts , get in touch.

Comment Below,

Email me: nataliekeanemua@gmail.com

Till Next Time

Natalie xx

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