Sunday 25 May 2014

How to look after your skin from the inside out..

Happy Sunday...

I know Monday is tomorrow, :( but hope your weekend was a good one. :)

So you know I have posts on Skin Care and how important it is to maintain your skin to insure when you do apply makeup that it looks flawless. Good skin is good for anti aging and making you look bright and healthy. 

You can buy all the expensive creams and apply them religiously, but if you arnt minding your skin from the inside out, then your skin will not co operate with your creams. 

Here are my TOP 10 things you should add to your diet to have great skin.:)

1. Water:

Water is a vital liquid to our everyday life, and need it to survive. If you do not drink enough water in your day, you skin will look tired, dry and dehydrated. Water help re hydrate the skin, so your skin will look bright and feel soft.  It will also get rid of any toxins in the body, if secreted through the skin will cause them spots, so water flushes them away. For clear skin drink water! 

2. Turmeric:

Turmeric is a spice used in alot of asian cooking and great spice for adding flavour and has great healthy benefits. Can be found and added to kormas and currys. Turmeric increases blood circulation, cleansed blood prevents acne and skin disorders. Gives skin a more glowing, healthy look and feels supple. 

3. Lemons:

Anything that cleanses the liver, will in turn help prevent blemishes. Lemons are great to aid digestion and increase the secretion of bile and is a strengthening agent for the livers enzymes. A Simple Cleanse for Clearer Skin!

4. Watercress:

Watercress is part of the mustard family and a mild spicy green. Packed with Vitamin A, C & E. These help reduce and treat acne and eczema. 

5. Avocado: 

Avocado is full of good fats, needed for soft skin. It is used alot in beauty products these days and has alot of benefits. Full of Vitamin A, which removes dry, dead skin and Gultamine, which protects skin from environmental damage.
Avocado oil, easily absorbed and penetrates the deepest layer od the skin and stimulate growth of new skin cell and improve circulation. 
 Can be used on the skin, in hair and eaten..:)

6. Coconut and Coconut Oil:

Coconuts have antiodients, which help slow down anti aging, reduce wrinkles and softens the skin. Contains Vitamin C and B2 and Iron which helps bloods circulation, so it will give a lovely glow.

Coconut oil (got in health food shops and selected supermarkets) is a great moisturizer on all skin types, esp dry and mature skins. It softens, reduces wrinkles and refreshes the skin so looks more bright and awake. 

A great healer for scars of Dermatitis, Psoriasis and Eczema. 

7. Berries:

Berries are an antioxidant and has Vitamin C. Berries are great also to help boost collagen production. 

8. Parsley:

High in Vitamin K which helps the skin heal itself. Promotes elasticity, which is important for mature ladies and anti aging. Creates good skin tone. Has Vitmain A & C which helps clear blemishes and redness.

9.  Seafood:

Seafood has Omega 3 fatty acids and Zinc. Helps smooth, clear and add glow to the skin. Will reduce dryness and inflammation.

10.  Red/Green Vegetables:


Red and Green Veg, has Vitamin A and Beta Carotene. Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Green Veg and Spinach have beta carotene and then convert to Vitamin A, which is an antioxidant and prevents cell damage. Prevents premature aging and has anti aging benefits. 

All of these will help keep you healthy, but also help your skin look glowing and help the aging process.

Any Questions, Requests etc please get in touch.....

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Till Tuesday

Natalie xx

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