Thursday, 27 August 2015

Snap Chat.. People I follow

Hello Dolls.

I was so hoping to get up a review on a new foundation. But I am sick right now..:( Because of this, it sparked a post...I know its been done, but I thought I would share the lovelies I follow incase you are looking for new people to snap with! :)
Snap Chat has been my go to the last day, being bed ridden with stomach pains, is not fun, but I do enjoy the stories...longer the better please! 

I will get my foundation review up this weekend.:) So dont worry!!

Who Natalie MUA follows on Snap Chat.....

Snap Chat Name: laurasviews

Also known on Youtube as My Makeup Perspective. I did mention Laura in my last post of people who inspire me, so to find out why, add her! Her personality is just brilliant, she shares makeup, lifestyle, etc and totally shows that she is only human like the rest of us. She is a stunner and has gone on her own fitness journey in an inspiring way. I recommend following her, you wont regret it!

Image is from My Makeup Perspectives Facebook page

Snap Chat Name: facesbygrace23

Grace is also a Youtuber and Blogger. She daily vlogs on her snapchat. She shares her fitness and lifestyle along with beauty. I love her snapchat and am kinda addicted to it. She also shares her personal experiences good and bad. Love her and I know you will love her too. Add her!!

Image from FacesbyGrace23 Facebook Page

Snap Chat Name: fifilaroux13

Little Miss Roux Blog aka Fiona, is a Sligo Blogger. I love her and her style. She shares some really inspiring fashion looks and also her daily life. She has a beautiful little girl and her snaps are also something I have been addicted to. You really should check her out. :)

Image from Little Miss Roux Facebook Page

Snap Chat Name: monstermakeupxx

Dale is another Youtuber I adore. Her personality is just so warming and infectious. She is also apart of the beauty community, but she also shares her experiences too. Love this lady!!

Image from Monster Makeup Facebook

Snap Chat Name: thesonicscrew

I thought it only right I add one the lads I follow!! 
Sean is another Irish Youtuber. I am only a newbie to his channel, but I totally love it. His snaps are exactly how he comes across on his channel, totally hilarious and always up to divilment. He has a huge personality and I never fail to get a laugh from him. He deserves a follow! :)

Image from The Sonic Screw Twitter

Below are all the people I mentioned Blogs/Youtube/Social Media Accounts:
So you dont miss out !! :D

My Makeup Perspective:
Instagram: mymakeupperspective

Faces By Grace 23
Instagram: facesbygrace23

Little Miss Roux
instagram: little_miss_roux_blog

Monster Makeup
Instagram: monstermakeupxx

The Sonic Screw
Instagram: thesonicscrew

I hope you liked this kind of post, and that you check these guys out if you havent already!

If you want to follow me on the following social media..Please Do! 

Snap Chat: nataliekeanemua 
Instagram: nataliekeanemua

Until next time!

Monday, 24 August 2015

Life: Set Backs & What to do?


How is your Monday going? Back to the beginning of the week! Don`t worry the weekend will be here soon!! :D

I had a think about what I would write today, lately, I dunno if it is the reason September marks a new beginning, regarding school, colleges all back, I think its also a start of a term and also before a new year begins, that got me thinking! 

Personally, this year has alot of bumps in the road and the odd pothole! Its been a weird one to say the least. But one I have begun to also rediscover myself and actually begun to look at myself and my choices differently. Maybe its because I will be 25 in December, all the decisions I have made, have lead me to here! So where they worth it? Where they what I accepted? Did I listen to myself? I could look into these things now and overthink everything I have done. But realistically, its not a good mind space to be in. I need to just start focusing on the rest of my life, and not moving backward, which I think we all do at a part of our lives. 

I will ask you to bear with me, I hope I make sense and more importantly I come across the right way!

We are all in charge of our own lives, every one of us. Yes we may have a mother, father, husband, wife, partner etc, but they cannot be the reason you live your life. You have to life it for you and what makes you happy. 

I cannot say what your set back is in life, it could be health, fitness, finance, relationships, work, a dream or all the above, but I will try and generalise this as much as I can. 

I am not going to preach or pretend I know what I am talking about, I am no way a professional, but taking some steps that for me are helpful, may in fact help you. And if it does, then great, and if not, then thank you for the time you spent to read this. 

Creating a life, well its not easy. We where put here for a purpose right? Well what is that? We dont know, because how I see it is.... the world is moving on day after day, and in that time we are evolving each time. So to say what we will do will be decided on the challenges and decisions we choose and also how we react and are molded as we grow up.  We are influenced from a young age from our enviorments whether is a profession, finance, sport, something catches our eye and we position ourselves into that role, a role that gives us a sub identity. something that makes us a somebody in someone elses mind. Something that when a person goes, you know "Natalie Keane?" 
- "Emmm I`m not sure"....
- "You know the makeup artist/blogger?"
-"Ahh yes, now I do"

Being unrecognizable by our name, and the fact of not making a lasting impression from who we are is something to think about. We have to have a label or an attachment to be recognized.  

What if we redefine that? Why should our personal experiences, jobs, relationships define and relate to who we are as a person? 
Should be not be recognizable for who we are.

For me, I think we all need to look at what we are doing...Are we happy? If yes, then what can I do to help other to make their lives better, or is there a goal that I can reach that is higher, what can I do to challenge myself? 

And if no! Well there is so many opportunities out there that are open to us all. We just have to knock on the right doors!
If you hate your job, look at what you can do to leave it and do something you love, it may mean extra hours of experience somewhere with your job, or going part time in courses or just applying and applying for the dream job you want. 
If its health, then go and see your GP.
Fitness, go and look at your diet, see a Person Trainer,
If its a relationship, weigh up if you are truly in the best position and if not have a plan for before and after and look and see what you really want.

I think sitting down with a pen and paper and listing your goals and aims are important. We all have to make our own names a brand as such. Promote who we are as people, not what we are categorized into. Luckily, we are in the era of entrepreneurs and go getters and its the time of change, being who we want to be, and not what society expects us to be, Those so called "dead end" jobs of creativity and mindfulness are a huge part of our society as its the new age for new things and beginnings and individuality. 

9/10 of us will fall at our first, second or tenth hurdles, and yes make us question..."am i doing the right thing!" But in your heart if you can see it and are working harder then ever to get there, then there is no reason you shouldn't. The right time will come, but every hurdle is a lesson and each lesson will make you appreciate and also realise what you did to get there, so coming down from the top will be harder and even though you can be pushed, you wont fall, as you have gotten up so many times that you will know how to deal with it.

So what do you do now to get started or either back up on your feet?
Heres is what I would do and suggest:

1. Evaluate your life... Are you happy? Is there a dream you want to do? Travel? Have a family? College?  

2. Sit down and write what you want in your life?

3. Research..look at your options and the avenues you can go? 

4. Talk to people.. Talk to people who have the experience and knowledge to get to where they are and where they have been or are doing?

5. Starting today, work towards your main aim/dream/goal

6. Put it somewhere as a reminder everyday, what you are getting up for.

7. Accept.. things may not work out 1st/2nd time, but trying and working harder and harder is key, knowing this before you start is key.

8. Chat to family/friends.. share concerns, dreams, goals, these people will be your support and will no doubt be there for you and will encourage you when you have one of those days or feel like giving up.

9. Take inspiration... if its a story from someone, life experiences, a song, a book or quotes. this will motivate you

10. Never change for anyone! be who you want to be and allow yourself to grow. But be grateful. Dont let anyone tell you, that you cant. Especially yourself. Anything is possible. Reaching and being out there is something that you will never regret. Putting positive life and actions will only come back to us and in turn rotate a good steady life for us.. LESS REGRET!!

46 Quotes From Reddit That Will Change Your Life For the Better: Words can move you, make you happier, and motivate you.
Image is Pintrest

Travel Quote of The Day :-)  For more travel Updates/Offers and Interesting Stuffs be connected to  Travel Universally
Image Pintrest

Let new adventures begin City Farmhouse free watercolor printable circles pink more
Image Pintrest

The Answer For Those Already Working A Second Job, Stay At Home Moms, Single Parents AND Busy Executives
Image Pintrest

I hope you liked this. And some of you may find this boring or just something that was pointless. But for the most of you, I do hope this helps or gave you something to think about. 

If you have any thoughts on this, I would love to hear about it. 

Please go ahead and contact me or Follow me below!! :D

Facebook: Natalie Keane MUA

Twitter: @natke05

Instagram: nataliekeanemua

SnapChat: nataliekeanemua

Until next time!!!

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

People Who Inspire Me....August 2015!!

Hello There,

How is your Wednesday going? I thought I would do a post, that I have been meaning to write in the last few weeks. I dunno if its the weather, but I think we are all feeling a little blue and down, maybe its the lack of SUMMER!! But with this, I think its important to have people to gain some inspirations from, not live like them, but putting some of their will power and open mindness into our lives, allowing other things and people into our lives, which in turn opens up more doors. I think its important! If you look at Obama, and we say I want to president, yes it is possible, but do you have a goal in politics? Or is it the fame? What about stripping it back and looking at what the people you look up to does to work towards their goals, their work ethic, driven personality, how they deal with life tasks? Is their something in it? If you want to be a principle in a school or gain a high position in your job, is it possible, yes it is!!! No matter what it is. Its about having a dream and goal and actually saying to yourself, I did that for me and what makes you happy. We all have one life, why waste it in something that only pays our bills, yes they need to be paid, but if you want something so bad, you will do anything to get there, whether its life, experiences, health or work, but having a positive mindset and being open to all experiences and avenues is as important. Blocking yourself off from anything is not good, just because taking risks are not the  thing to do???... Set a new way of life that suits you...After all its you living it no one else.!! 
With that the 3 people I have mentioned, did not ask me to write about them, these are people, I daily/weekly follow for inspiration and to gain some knowledge etc.. These 3 people are just normal people, but are making an impact in alot of peoples lives, to get up and get moving not just in a health way but in a mindfull way and also in life!!! 

"Joanne Larby-aka The Makeup Fairy"

Anyone that knows me will know I do love Joanne. She is in my books a true lady! Joanne works her ass off (Literally!!) and has done to get to where she is. She has become a successful business woman- with being hard working, driven, enthusiastic but also humble. For that I admire. She connects with her followers always and with that connection it is something unique. Her brand does not take her away from the reader and viewers and she is always non hesitate to reply. I think such a connection is so important, because her content reflects that. She is putting up exactly what her followers want and to know your readers is important. I think some people forget that she is a regular person, yes she has an amazing job, but work and dedication got her there, she wasnt handed it, like most people in this life, we work to achieve our goals and she has certainly done that. She has shown this in her worth ethic, daily life and her health and fitness goals. With this, she shares when she is having not only a good day but also her bad days, and because of that it proves that yes she is very much human, we all feel, hurt, pain, sadness and I think people really need to realise that. Her achievement of her brand is not only award able but incredible, I am so excited for her book in November and I can imagine like always it will reach alot of people, as it will address all that her followers and readers love and enjoy about Joanne herself and her thoughts and opinions... 
I think if you are looking for someone who is very much in touch with her readers, talks about makeup, food, lifestyle, daily life, fitness and fashion then you need to follower her :D

Snap Chat: themakeupfairy

Image: from The Makeup Fairy Facebook Page

" Pat Divilly"

I have been following Pat for a good while now, and if you dont know who he is, well he an author, speaker and health and wellness coach. Why did I pick Pat as my 3 inspirational people?...SIMPLE! He had a dream and he has worked hard and from the bottom to get to where he is now. Something I think everyone could take a little bit from. He keeps challenging and setting goals and bucket lists for himself and each time is working hard to achieve and experience them. He is not letting his life pass working in a job he hates for the sake of it, but creating a happy, healthy life. He is not only a great coach in fitness and health, not a great motivator regarding life goals and mindfull-ness. Right now I am taking his tips and breaking them down like he has said into 2 a week, something that is not only manageable but also do-able if you put your mind to it. Doing this regarding your health and lifestyle can also be applied to your daily life and goals. Setting any realistic goal can be gained if you put your mind to it. But being healthy and sound I think is so important for your well being and will aid your mentality and all these are synced and with Pat, you can get the sense of wanting to achieve and help people get that balance in life. Not only has he got 2 great books and 3rd on the way, based on Paleo lifestlyle, diet and recipes but he is also doing a seminar, which is more motivational and a workshop to help you get a kick start in your own life to where you actually want to be and out of the rut and to just "BE YOUR OWN HERO"!! Something we all should be in life. He also has alot of online webinars, hangouts on Youtube and Facebook Mentions all that are full of great information and something that will see you to get up and do something if not in your fitness but also motivate you in you life! 

Image: Pat Divilly Facebook Page

"Laura aka My Makeup Perspective"

I really love this lady~ she is simply the most honest and down to earth girl! Her life changes lately have proven that mind power, willingness, drive, and sheer hard work can get you to your goals. Laura has simply made the right choice in a healthy lifestyle aka Proper Wholesome Food + Regular Exercise  to get to where she is! ("You look good girl" !!!)
Her dedication has shown that once you put your mind to something, have a goal insight and doing it for the right reasons "YOU" then it and anything is possible!
Not only her that but her personality is down right honest, no matter the topic and I love that, we need more people like that in my opinion!! If you follow her snapchat you will find that she will be true to herself, sad, angry, happy,funny etc....all true to the real person she is. She runs 3 Youtube channels also along her social media and they are all worth a watch! From Beauty to Vlogs to Health, she has it covered. I think if you want a normal girl who is determined and is true to herself and what she says, then follow her! GO!

Snap Chat: laurasviews

Image: From My Makeup Perspective Facebook Page

I hope you all liked this kind of post. I sometimes feel we all need that extra kick or lift, and these 3 are people who are doing that in their own lives and I think taking that motivation and applying some sort of positive thoughts and actions to our lives is needed and wanted! We can all look at celebs but these are real people doing real things. This is proper reality and the one that we should be paying more attention to. We are all designed to be great it is how we choose to be great in our path in life. Living without regret is not an option for me, so creating a life that is worth living, no matter at what pace is better then not trying at all. I am applying this to not just one, but all aspects in life. A shift in the motion is something we all need in life and can only be for the good if we allow it!

Some motivation for your middle of the week!! 

If you want to contact or follow me please do!!

Instagram: nataliekeanemua
SnapChat: nataliekeanemua   (blog-beauty)/nataliekeane22  (lifestlye)

Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I was not asked or sponsored to write about these people or their social media, blogs, channels or what they do, or write this post. I choose to write this myself and it is all my own thoughts and opinions...

Friday, 14 August 2015

Galway Races 2015- What I wore!!

Hello Dolls,

I know its been two weeks since I have put anything up. I can make all the excuses in the world as to why, but mainly its because I lacked motivation. I needed to just take myself away from my laptop and getting posts up. But I am back with a full two pages of ideas, so progress will resume!! :D 

I would like to thank all of you who checked out my posts, regarding the pre Galway races. I got a great response which was amazing..:D

So as I know this is so late, I got a request for it, so I hope you dont mind. 

I attended the Galway Races on Ladies day with a great group of friends and had a great day to say the least. The outfit I wore was high street and comfortable. 

What I wore:

Head piece: Glitzi Bitz (Eyre Sq Shopping Centre) 
Insert Black Top: Pennys/Primark
Crochet White Top: Pennys/Primark
Black midi balloon skirt: New Look
Nude & Black Heels: Dunnes Stores
Nude & Black Clutch: Pennys/Primark


Face: Botanics Radience Balm, MAC Studio Sculpt NC15 mix with Maybelline Fit me 120.
Collection 2000 Concealer, MAC Invisible Powder, Sleek Contour Kit

Eyes: NYX Jumbo Pencil in Milk, Naked Palette- Tease, Bootycall, MAC Mystery & Carbon,
Maybelline Falsies Drama Mascara, Catrice Chocowaves Kohl Liner.

Lips: Catrice Lip Liner in Lost in the Rose Wood & MAC Hug Me Lipstick

My tan was also Coco Brown 1hr tan. :D

I hope you liked this post, if you have any questions please let me know.

I would love if you could follow on the following social media... I will also follow back:D


Instagram: nataliekeanemua

Snapchat: nataliekeanemua

Facebook: Natalie Keane MUA

Twitter: Natke05

Until Next time...:D